Lazy Eights


Previous lesson, division of attention.


Develop the pilot’s feel for varying control forces and the ability to plan and remain oriented while maneuvering the airplane with positive accurate control.


Today we are going to be putting out lines of forest fires precisely on short but staggered lines. When we drop the expensive retardant, we need to be at a precise altitude, airspeed, and heading so the retardant is effective and not wasted.

Completion Standards:

PTS: maintain coordinated flight throughout the maneuver, attain 30° bank at steepest point, and constant roll and pitch change throughout the turns. At each 180° rollout, +/- 100 ft altitude, +/- 10 kias entry airspeed, +/- 10° rollout heading.

Areas of Operation:

§61. ()() AFH 9-6 Area of Operation: V. task D.

Preflight Briefing:

            The maneuver consists of two 180° turns in opposite directions while making a climb and descent in a symmetrical pattern during each of the turns.  Select a recover altitude no lower than 1,500 feet AGL, make clearing turns, radio calls, and configure in a clean configuration, 116 knots at a stabilized altitude.  Stabilize the aircraft parallel to some roads or lines on the ground.



After clearing turns:

Pick visual references at 45° and 135° in the direction of the turns.

  •        Enter a coordinated climbing turn
  •        45°: Max pitch up, 15° Bank (half)
  •        90°: Max bank (30°), level pitch
  •        135°: Max pitch down 15° bank (half)
  •        180°: Level on airspeed and altitude

Common errors:

Special Emphasis Areas: Smoothness and accuracy through climbing and descending turns.

Divide attention between cockpit and outside.


Post-Flight Debriefing:

Identify tasks that were completed to standards or above.

Identify and discuss tasks that were not completed to standards.

Record and grade completed tasks in the training record.

Record training in the student’s logbook (reference Areas of Operation above)

Give an assignment for the next flight session.


Next Assignment: Prepare for completing this lesson by reviewing tasks that were not performed to standards. If all tasks were performed to standards, assign the next lesson’s required material.