Aircraft Magnetic Compass

Magnetic Compass and Timed Turns


Understand how the magnetic compass works, the associated errors, how to correct for these errors, and rate of turns.


Have you ever walked with a bowl of soup? When you turn, how does the soup turn? This is similar to a compass: rigidity in space.


In an Emergency without the AHRS, you will need to use the compass for headings given by ATC.


Variation: caused by the difference in the physical location of the magnetic north pole and the geographic north pole.

Deviation: caused by local magnetic fields within the aircraft. Deviation error is different on each heading

Standard Rate Turns: 3°/second turns in heading.



Variation: caused by the difference in the physical location of the magnetic north pole and the geographic north pole.

  • Does it affect me as an IFR pilot? No—we don’t use true north

Magnetic or True?

  • IFR charts? Magnetic
  • VOR Magnetic
  • GPS? Magnetic
  • Runways? Magnetic


Aircraft Magnetic Compass
Magnetic Compass

Deviation: caused by local magnetic fields within the aircraft. Deviation error is different on each heading

  • Deviation card shows what the mechanics are unable to correct/adjust
  • Used mainly for setting directional gyro. If electrics fail/off, the heading is not accurate because it has been corrected for the magnetic interference on the ground

Magnetic Dip: indication errors caused by an unbalanced compass

  • Teeter-totter balance analogy– at the magnetic equator north and south forces are balanced. Increase latitude, north pole is pulling down more than south pole
  • Above 60° latitude, compass is unusable—too much dip
Compass Errors
Compass Errors

ANDS: Accelerate North, Decelerate South—this is what the compass does, caused by inertial forces

UNOS: Undershoot North, Overshoot South.

Rule of thumb: latitude minus turn out (half your bank angle in degrees heading as usual). Utah ~40° latitude: 40°-10° (20° bank)=30° for Northerly headings. 20° for 330 and 030, 10° for 300 and 060

Standard Rate Turns: 3° heading/second: 2 minutes for 360° turn

  • Bank angle required: Standard rate turns: 15% of TAS or ~20% IAS (easier to calculate)
  • TAS: 2% per thousand feet indicated
  • Compass limitation: 16°-20° bank becomes unusable—compass measures the horizontal plane

Bank angle for turns:

In White Arc

Out of White Arc

Compass (standard rate)



Timed (1/2 standard rate)



Standard Rate Turns—Set easy rule based on airspeed

  1. Within white arc: 10° bank
  2. Above the white arc: 15° bank

Timed Turns (less than 30°heading change)—Set easy rule based on airspeed: use half standard rate:

  1. Within white arc: 5° bank
  2. Above the white arc: 10° bank


Standard Rate

½ Standard rate


2 min

4 min

360°/120 sec



Change of Heading

Standard Rate

½ Standard rate


3 sec

6 sec


9 sec

18 sec

Quick/Easy Calculation

Heading times 3 drop zero for seconds

Heading times 6 drop zero for seconds

Quick estimation

Standard: 30 (degrees) in 10 (seconds)

Half-standard: 30 (degrees) in 20 (seconds)


Gyroscopic instruments—Attitude Indicator

  • Rigidity in space
  • Gyroscopic precession