Mobile Optimized

I hope you like the new design. Sorry about the down time, but mobile menus are working again! The idea is that if you need a lesson plan when you’re not at your desk or in your hangar, or care to study up on some things, you can pick up your phone and review concepts or procedures on your phone or tablet. You can also show your students the pictures on your tablet right in your lesson plan! That’s one of the primary reasons for making this website.

I was in an instructor check ride once and I was explaining a system of the airplane. Instead of printing a lot of pages or flipping through a book with a million tabs, I opened my phone and zoomed into a picture file I had on dropbox. It didn’t zoom very well and was frustrating to me. Alas, the website was born! The only thing I haven’t figured out completely is how to get a mobile browser to cache the site so it doesn’t need an internet connection. If you have ideas how to do this, be sure to let me know! I imagine it may require an extra browser plugin of sorts.

Also, if you see any pages that need updates or would like improvements, please drop me a note on the contact page, or comment to this post. I’m working on adding pictures to the pages that are mobile friendly. Thanks for all your support!